Whey Protein: Concentrate vs. Isolate vs. Hydrolyzed- Which One Is Best?

When we talk about whey, we are referring to protein made of different components like beta lactoglobulin, alpha lactalbumin, lactoferrin, Immunoglobulins, etc. Each of these sub fractions found in whey have their own unique health benefits.

Over the decades, whey protein has evolved a great deal from whey concentrates to a more refined isolates and now micro refined hydrosylates or hydrolyzed versions. Whey protein powder is a staple among those who train hard as a basic for bodybuilding supplements as well as serves as a non performance protein too, with those not working out as hard.

Types of Whey:

Most of the confusion around whey is in the understanding of the different types of it. Lets see how different the three types of whey are from one another.


These contain as much as 40-80% of protein along with fat, lactose. Though they contain less protein as compared to isolates, they contain certain growth factors like IGF 1 and TGF 1. Although the data lacks to support whether these compounds help in athletic performance, they do seem to confirm the benefits of better intestinal health, improved immunity in athletes and other alike. The drawback for WPC are they have less protein per gram as compared to an isolate and have higher level of fat and lactose and may not necessarily suit everybody’s digestion as some who are allergic to milk sugar lactose may find themselves facing bloating.

Suggested Read – The Best Ways To Consume Whey Protein


These contain about 90-95% of pure protein. These proteins are processed under low temperature to remove excessive lactose, fat so as to not denature it. Isolates are slightly expensive as compared to the previously mentioned types. These type of proteins are perfect for those on a low-carb diet as it is very low on carbs. Again, Isolates can be your go-to for pre and post-workout as they digest rapidly and are absorbed quickly supply the muscles with the necessary nutrients at a faster pace, and are also lighter on the digestive tract.

Isolates are slightly expensive as compared to the previously mentioned protein types. These protein types are perfect for those on a low-carb diet as it is very low on carbs. Again, Isolates can be your go-to for pre and post-workout as they digest rapidly are absorbed quickly supply the muscles with the necessary nutrients at a faster pace, and are also lighter on the digestive tract.


If you have been one to follow the fitness industry closely, you might’ve noticed the emergence of hydrolyzed proteins however, it went off the market as abruptly as it came. Hydrolyzed in essence means, a protein that has been broken down into peptides of varying lengths. This partially-digested or partially-broken form of protein makes it even more easier for rapid absorption and supply of nutrients to the muscles at a faster pace. The reason why hydrolyzed protein gained much hype in the market was over one particular conclusion (seen in animal study) that hydrolyzed protein maintained a positive nitrogen balance for a better period of time. How true this stands for athletes remains to be studied as of now. Also, they are priced at a higher level as compared to the other two types of protein.

The Winner:

You decide. People have long debated about which one is better over which however, it all boils down to how best any particular kind of protein suits you, with regard to goals as well as nutritionwise. While each one has their own unique characteristics, it is important to understand that no matter what whey you choose to go with, none will give you massive results in a short amount of time. The best bet, is to start off with WPC and see how well that suits you. Since it is also the most cost-effective of all and many find results with it, it should work well. However, if you have lower tolerance for lactose or are simply looking for a more refined version of protein, you can move up the list.

Add OZIVA Protein & Herbs to Your Diet if your diet is lacking in proteins. It contains 23g Certified Clean protein with Ayurvedic Herbs & multivitamins for weight control, body fat % reduction & better metabolism. 

If you want a detailed nutrition consultation, drop us a email at nutrition@oziva.in or call us at 9769298556 and our experts will help you with your fitness goal and to choose between the protein types, if you want.