Can I Get Pregnant with PCOS?

With changing lifestyles and stress levels in individuals, there have been increased chances of people having issues related to hormonal imbalance. 

It is observed that 80% of people face issues related to hormonal imbalance in their lifetime. Hormonal imbalances usually occur when there are too much or too few hormones in the blood. It can occur in both males and females.

Hormonal imbalances can cause weight gain, insomnia, hair loss, and acne, and it is also associated with having medical conditions - most commonly diabetes and PCOS/PCOD in females. Because of PCOS, many women can experience infertility or difficulty conceiving. 

PCOS, also known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is the most common hormonal imbalance disorder in females which causes enlarged ovaries having small cysts.

The condition is mainly characterized by an imbalance in the female's hormonal levels. This leads to few or all of the below-mentioned conditions:

  1. Irregularities in menstrual periods - Heavy bleeding or painful menstrual periods, acne and/or hirsutism (excessive facial hair or body hair growth), unhealthy weight gain, difficulty managing weight and conceiving due to irregular menstrual cycle and ovulation duration.
  2. Women with PCOS are usually found be at a higher risk of having type 2 Diabetes , Blood Pressure , Heart problem and also issue related to pregnancy and infertility as well.

Women's with PCOS are at a higher risk for certain problems or complications during pregnancy . Pregnancy complications related to pregnancy are Miscarriage , Gestational Diabetes ( Type of Diabetes which only pregnant women get ) , Pre-eclampsia ( Sudden increase in Blood Pressure), Pre term birth , C-section delivery etc
Although Women with PCOS when manage their symptoms properly have more changes to have a healthy and normal pregnancy like managing their medical condition (if any ) , weight management ,following a healthy lifestyle , regulating their menstrual cycle and hormonal balance all these factors when managed properly will help them to improve their chances to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy .
Here are few strategies to consider while having pregnancy with PCOS for a safe and healthy pregnancy
1.Lifestyle modifications - Adopting a healthy lifestyle can have a positive impact on fertility and your overall health. It significantly decreases risk associated with pregnancy with PCOS like miscarriage , Diabetes , High BP etc Focus on maintaining a balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats.
Regular exercise, such as brisk walking , yoga etc can help manage weight, reduce insulin resistance and regulate hormone levels. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise three to five times a week.
Manage stress levels through relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation which can aid in fertility
2. Weight Management- Maintaining a healthy weight is vital for managing PCOS-related fertility issues. Even losing 5% to 10% of your body weight has been shown to help in restoring a normal ovulation cycle and improve the chances of pregnancy.
3. Medication OR Supplementation - Depending on your specific situation, your provider may recommend medications to regulate your menstrual cycle and stimulate ovulation.
PCOS being a hormonal disorder it can also be managed or controlled but not cured so when you are planning  for pregnancy during PCOS it is important that you make sure your hormonal balance and menstrual cycle , PCOS related symptoms etc are regulated to its much easier for you to conceive and for the same OZiva has a completely natural and Herbal Plant Based Supplement which helps you well in prior to control your PCOS/PCOD related symptoms and to manage it well so its much easier for you to conceive which is called as OZiva Her Balance PCOS this product with its natural and herbal ingredients helps regulate your hormonal balance , manage PCOS related symptoms eventually increasing your chances for fertility and also helps regulate your menstrual cycle which when followed with a balanced diet and proper lifestyle changes for at least 3-6 months helps you have a fit and healthy life much more chances of avoiding other associated complications during pregnancy related to PCOS . The product includes some key ingredients like Shatavari which helps increase fertility , manage stress levels also Chasteberry which helps reduce facial hair and improve progesterone levels Gokhru which helps stimulate ovulation and helps reduce cyst formation as well, Then it also Ashoka which helps improve estrogen levels and Flax seeds which helps with hormonal balance and to regulate menstrual cycle
While PCOS can present fertility challenges, it’s essential to remember that there are many ways to improve your chances of getting pregnant.  A proper diagnosis, coupled with lifestyle modifications, weight management and appropriate medical interventions, can significantly enhance your chances of conceiving. With the right support and strategies, many people with PCOS conceive and fulfill their dreams of starting a family.